Dragon Eye event and Hero parts

 Note: Just my view, you do not have to agree.  I do not have the Grail of Wisdom.

I used to buy daily hero parts in the Dragon Eye Shop. I stopped doing that. On average I think I spent 1500/2000 Dragon Eyes daily. BUT...:

we have 21 days between the Dragon Eyes events. If I NOT buy in the shop that will save me at least 21*1500= >30.000 Dragon Eyes. And when the event is there, it will bring me much closer to another complete round. With all the benefits.

There are 32 non-legendary heroes. In the shop they change 2x per day, so there will be 18 types to buy daily. For the hero you need, that is a chance of 50%/day. Say roughly 10 times in those 3 weeks to buy 50 of him/her = 500. For maybe 3 or 4 heroes.

But in the event you can buy DOUBLE the amount, PLUS getting the extra rewards of the event. So I think it is much more valuable to stop buying in the shop and save all your Dragon Eyes for the event.

Normally I could do 2 full rounds, but now I can do 3 full rounds, save the remaining parts, do 3 full rounds in next event and then next time only 2 rounds.

No need to say that during the event you should clear all dungeons? (which if possible you should do anyway always but maybe you cannot get enough potions)

For the players who did not got passed Cryoape yet: In the Dragon Eye Exchange do NOT change parts of unfinished heroes. (unless you need just a few to complete a round). You need them after reaching lvl 100 for the Pinnacle tower. Only sell the parts of heroes which you already have levelled to 15*!

Why do you need to collect hero parts of 15* heroes?

Too bad the developers discovered my trick some time ago and changed the rules but it is still very much worth it. Here is the explanation: 

Suppose you have 10000 Dragon Eyes to sell. (from that 15* heroes) You spend them all in the shop and you advance 10k in the event.

Now you got 1000 hero parts. Suppose you all sell them back in the Dragon Eye Exchange: hey, you get 5000 Dragon Eyes back. (halve of before). Which you can spend again in the shop. You have advanced now in the event for 15k and have 500 hero parts. Guess what? You can do that again sell them back, getting 2500 Dragon Eyes, spend them in the shop, getting 250 hero parts etc, etc. 

In the end you have spend 10k+5k+2.5K+1.25k.... ending up with spending nearly 20k for the event instead of only 10k. Do you get the picture? That is double! this way instead of buying legendary hero parts. Buy 1 legendary hero part and your Dragon Eyes are gone!! So DO NOT DO THAT. The rewards from the shop are more valuable than 1 legendary hero part. 

To do it this way (buy and sell back), you should - during the event - empty every time the complete Dragon Eye Shop. When necessary refresh the shop. 

This is why they changed the rate from 1:5 to 1:4 to 1:3 etc. But as I said it: is still very much worth acting like this and thus also still collect in the Dungeons all hero parts of your heroes who are level 15*.

But very important: count well and when you cannot finish a next round, think well before starting that new round. Ok, sometimes you just need that extra keys and badges. Otherwise save your Dragon Eyes for the next event. 


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