
Posts uit oktober, 2023 tonen


 It is important that you join a guild with much members, Because for every level in Expedition your guild reaches, you get a bag. More levels - more bags every 14 days. Actually, this is my main goal. Because it is the best source for resources. Some items below, I published our first victory of Harpy 150. Which was a MAJOR event for us. Look at the 2nd picture, time left...  And because you need most of your guildmembers to participate to reach out in Expedition, it is the best tool to create a 'feel-guildmember' feeling. It takes planning, and try to make the best of what players can or cannot do. Here, also the low level players are important. You need them to start the Expedition, let them save some attacks to kill off the last part of a boss, so that you do not loose to much attackpower ( boss is at 2m but you do 60m or more damage...), then the 'middleclass' is going to attack, and your upperclass is alllll the time only saving their attacks for later. As for exa