
Posts uit maart, 2022 tonen

Dragon Eye event and Hero parts

  Note: Just my view, you do not have to agree.  I do not have the Grail of Wisdom. I used to buy daily hero parts in the Dragon Eye Shop. I stopped doing that. On average I think I spent 1500/2000 Dragon Eyes daily. BUT...: we have 21 days between the Dragon Eyes events. If I NOT buy in the shop that will save me at least 21*1500= >30.000 Dragon Eyes. And when the event is there, it will bring me much closer to another complete round. With all the benefits. There are 32 non-legendary heroes. In the shop they change 2x per day, so there will be 18 types to buy daily. For the hero you need, that is a chance of 50%/day. Say roughly 10 times in those 3 weeks to buy 50 of him/her = 500. For maybe 3 or 4 heroes. But in the event you can buy DOUBLE the amount, PLUS getting the extra rewards of the event. So I think it is much more valuable to stop buying in the shop and save all your Dragon Eyes for the event. Normally I could do 2 full rounds, but now I can do 3 full rounds, save the rem